Discover some of Harry Benson’s iconic and captivating photographs of The Beatles at the height of their fame in 1964 in this online exhibition.
In early 1964 Scottish photographer Harry Benson, accompanied the Beatles to Paris which lead to a career defining relationship for Benson. During their trip to Paris, Benson captured one of his best known photographs of George, John, Paul, and Ringo in the midst of a pillow fight at the George V Hotel, a spontaneous moment in reaction to learning that ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand” had made the American charts. This photograph came to epitomize the spirit of the band and Benson himself called it the best shot of his career.
Later that year, he followed the band on the road for their debut U.S. tour, documenting their appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, their surprising encounter with Cassius Clay, and the hysteria of New York Beatlemania. The results are beautiful luminous black-and-white photographs that show intimate glimpses of the The Beatles.
Harry Benson (b.1929) is a Scottish photographer who throughout his extensive career he has photographed every U.S. president from Eisenhower to Biden. He has photographed the Civil Rights Movement and Martin Luther King, Jr. He witnessed and documented when the Berlin Wall went up and when it came down, and covered the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans. His images have been published in LIFE, Vanity Fair, Time, Esquire, and The New Yorker. He has published several books and won a number of prominent awards. Benson’s photographs are held permanent collection of the National Portrait Gallery in London, in Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh and the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C to name a few.
Each photographs is from a limited edition, available in several sizes, signed and numbered by Harry Benson.